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The Floating Architecture of Rotterdam, Holland
Floating Farm, Floating houses, FOR : the Floating Office of Rotterdam

Since time immemorial the lowlands of the Netherlands have been plagued by storm surges and floods. Water mills and dykes have protected the country from floods since ancient times, but since the lowest point in the country is -6.76 meters below sea level and a quarter of the country is below sea level, the country has suffered from numerous floods.
Also, since the Netherlands is a very small country (in comparison, the area occupied by the Netherlands is slightly less than twice the size of the state of New Jersey) there is not much available land that can be used for construction or agriculture. One of the solutions of Dutch architects is to use the water surface as land: the development of floating buildings is increasing. These floating structures rise and fall with the rise of the water. Floating buildings in the Netherlands are also more often than not SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) compatible.